On Sept 5, 2018, Surf Equity won the fight for inclusion, the fight for a multi-heat division and the fight for equal prize money across all World Surf League global events. In an email referring to Surf Equity’s advocacy work, Governor Newsom said: “I applaud the courage of the athletes and activist who fought for this victory, and I am hopeful that this will inspire the next generation — of daring athletes and activists with the audacity to challenge the status quo.” New York Times Magazine | Sunday, Feb 7, 2019


Harbor Patrol Rescues Five Adults and One Child

On June 13, 2013, Harbor Patrol rescued a father, his 11-year-old son and two couples about two miles outside Pillar Point Harbor.

photo by:  Harbor Patrol

photo by:  Harbor Patrol

 I received the message below from Harbor Master Scott Grindy.

Today Pillar Point Harbor staff responded to a distress call of a vessel returning to the harbor that was taking on water and sinking.
All six passengers were rescued and a good amount of gear and portable fuel tanks were salvaged. The vessel went down outside of the harbor between the two marker buoys in about 40 + feet of water.
United States Coast Guard Captain of the Port from San Francisco called harbor staff and thanked them soon after the event for their valiant efforts of life saving and responding so fast.
Too early at this time to determine cause of the vessel taking on water and or when/if a salvage operation will occur.
Hats off to our staff at Pillar Point Harbor!