Fellow Democrats,
I’m passionate about our environment, public transit, equality, and social justice.
Democracy and equality are expanding; however, environmental degradation is putting our children's future at risk. Dependence on fossil fuels is warming the planet, causing ocean acidification, and threatening global ecosystems. The clock is ticking. Only a Democratic president will make climate change the highest priority.
It’s critically important that we work together to elect Democrats at local, state and federal levels.
With your vote you will help bring strong leadership to the San Mateo County Democratic Party.
Thank you,
Elelcted Member, San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee, District 3
“I consider Sabrina a bright light at a time when leadership and vision are so very much needed.
Si Se Puede!”
“Sabrina is an outstanding community leader with strong democratic values. Her advocacy for women athletes, support for commercial fishermen, and passion for environmental stewardship make her an excellent choice for the Democratic Central Committee.”
“Sabrina is a dedicated and courageous public servant who has demonstrated true leadership. She is a tireless advocate for women athletes, and has a long-standing environmental record.
I proudly endorse her for the Democratic Central Committee.”
“As a fellow elected official on the San Mateo Coastside, I’ve been impressed time and again by Sabrina’s tireless, effective advocacy for those democratic values we hold most dear: transparent, inclusive, and accountable government, equal opportunity and due process before the law, and commitment to public service.
Please join me in supporting Sabrina for a seat on the Democratic Central Committee.”
“Sabrina brought up a point that we have all been wondering about for a long time: why aren’t women included in big wave surfing events?
Sabrina is a great advocate for equality in sports. I’m excited for her future!”
“Sabrina is a fierce advocate for women athletes. She supports equality and equal pay for men and women.
It’s time women have an opportunity to compete at Mavericks.”