Harbor District adopts Lead Agency status on sand replenishment at Surfer's Beach



Citizens for Sabrina Brennan, a citizens' group recently formed to support Commissioner Brennan of the San Mateo County Harbor District, is pleased to announce that the District's Board of Commissioners voted during their meeting last night to adopt Lead Agency status in the sand replenishment effort at Surfer's Beach in Pillar Point Harbor. Commissioner Brennan made the motion to adopt Lead Agency status and the board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.

Surfer's Beach is a stretch of coastline under the jurisdiction of the Harbor District where the beach is being quickly erased by erosion, jeopardizing a public resource and putting a portion of Highway 1 at serious risk. Sand that would normally deposit on and replenish the beach has been blocked for years by the breakwaters of the harbor.

Citizens for Sabrina Brennan would like to commend and recognize Commissioner Brennan for her sustained leadership role on this issue: Ms. Brennan began advocating for this issue with the San Mateo County Harbor District years ago and established the District's Beach Replenishment Committee during her recent tenure as Board President.

Under Brennan's leadership as President, the Harbor District reached out to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) and the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC). [see attached letters] In the letter to NOAA, the Harbor District expressed its desire to participate in sediment management plans that could supply sand for beach replenishment, while in the letter to the BCDC the Harbor District expressed concerns over the approval of continued sand mining operations in the San Francisco Bay, which would adversely affect coastal San Mateo County beaches if sand was mined at a rate faster than replenishment.

James Lee, a Redwood City resident with Citizens for Sabrina Brennan, said, "As someone born and raised in San Mateo County who has been visiting Pillar Point Harbor regularly all my life, I've been alarmed by the rate of erosion at Surfer's Beach over the years. I'm glad that action is being taken to reverse the damage, starting with tonight's vote. And as a friend and supporter of Commissioner Brennan it's thrilling to see her years of advocacy on this issue culminate with the Harbor District adopting Lead Agency status on sand replenishment at Surfer's Beach. Last night's vote is a clear vindication of her tireless work and leadership skills."

The Commission also gave direction to staff on a social media plan for the district, another area in which Commissioner Brennan had taken the lead. Ms. Brennan received repeated and targeted criticism from former commissioners who had tried to make an issue out of the fact that district staff had posted her social media information on the Harbor District website. Citizens for Sabrina Brennan is pleased to see that attitudes have shifted at the Harbor District and we find this shift to be yet another confirmation of Ms. Brennan's role as the Harbor District's lead modernizer and public advocate.