March 15, 2017 Harbor District Meeting

Item C—Commissioner Comment, Tom Mattusch: Item C—Commissioner Comment, Tom Mattusch: 7:21

  • Commissioner Mattusch said, “Past micromanagement has cost this District and the taxpayer enormous sums...committees are setup for the staff's benefit not the board.”

  • Commissioner Brennan said, “Committees and the Board serve the public.”

Item D—Consent Calendar: 10:46

  • President Mattusch pulled Agenda Item 5 off the Consent Calendar and blocked Commissioner Brennan from pulling Item 2, 3, 4, & 10. Mattusch also blocked Commissioner Larenas from pulling Item 9 off the Consent Calendar. Mattusch blocked Brennan and Larenas by immediately asking for a motion to approve Consent Items 1-10 “minus Item 5”. It’s standard practice for the board president to ask if any board member would like to pull an item off consent before asking for a motion to approve. State law requires that any commissioner and any member of the public be allowed to pull an agenda items off the consent calendar for board discussion and public comment.

Item 19—Cartel Inc. Permit and Surf Contest: 13:13

Item 5—CASPIAN IT Agreement: 1:30:53